
How to Apply for Canada Green Card Lottery 2022/2023

 How to Apply for Canada Green Card Lottery 2022/2023 This article details content relating to Canada green card lottery, Canada diversity visa programs, how to apply for Canada green card and other Canadian immigration related information. Currently, they’ve been so many questions relating to Canada green card lottery, Canada visa lottery and some other related topics. However, I felt I should update on this, so every international foreigners looking forward to migrate to Canada one way or the other gets accurate information. What is Canada Green Card? The “Green Card” term is a document status commonly used in the United States. This document is what makes someone or an international foreigner to live, study, work and reside permanently in USA. Therefore, Canada does have its own version of the “Green Card” popularly known as the Canadian Permanent Residency Card. So don’t get confused when we make use of the “Green card” term to replace for “Permanent residency card”. What You Shoul